Business Spotlight

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Titles, Skus and the Future of Aftermarket Ecommerce

I spend a lot of my day looking for the right way to title the parts on the data sheets for our ASAP Brands and members.  I'm running into a situation that I feel is working against everyone in the E Commerce arena and would love to get some feed back. Please watch this video and use the form below to give me your opinion.   As the dealers for the brands on ASAP, it is YOU that can make the changes we need to bring the Aftermarket industry up to speed in this E Commerce environment.  Thanks in advance!

Data Sheets Help You Sell More Parts

Data sheets can make a difference between a visitor on your site kicking tires or becoming a customer. I know it's time consuming to look through a data sheet and see what types of information you've been provided but............ using certain columns of data on your site can make all the difference in your sales.
I've created a quick video that gives a few examples where data columns and the content they provide will help in your sales.

Importing Data on Your Website: How to Map A Data Sheet

Getting clean data with out knowing how to use that data to import a brand on your website is like getting a Jet and not knowing how to fly it.  There are 3 videos below that will help you to understand how to use data sheets to import parts to your site.

I hope this helps you get the most out of your membership account on the ASAP Network.

Customers looking for your products?

If we take just Google search into consideration for this example, we can start to get an idea of the power of the search.  Google search engine is processing 40,000 search queries every second of every day, if you do the math, that works out to be about 3.5 billion searches a day and this is only Google.

What does that mean for your business?

It’s simple really

Business Relationships

Business Relationships

Business Relationships: Valuable Or Not Worth The Time?

In all business, it’s the relationships you build and nurture that can make the difference in the long term success of your business.

When it comes to the Aftermarket Parts industry this may be more of a mandatory need than other business models.

Why would building relationships with manufacturers and distributors/dealers make such an impact on your business?

Fail To Plan Or Plan To Fail

No one sets out to fail at business.  The determination of a business owner is a quality that set you apart from the general population.  The courage to take your idea and turn it into a viable business makes you a maverick.

So, if you have all this courage and determination, what could stop your business from being an overnight sensation?

Silent Business Partner?

The internet can open doors and allow your business to become a global force, but who really controls your bottom line?

Your Payment processor is just as much a part of your business plan as any other factor

Most business owners never really planned to have a silent partner when they envisioned their business model, let alone one that can control the day to day operations, cash flow and products sold.  It's defiantly a relationship that you have no choice in taking on but you do have choices when it comes to who and why you pick this silent partner.

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